Colour palette Oracal


Film self-glued by PVC Oracal 641
Service life At external use – not less than 3 years
Quantity of shades Glossy – 60, matte – 60
Thickness of a film without a glutinous layer 80 microns
Glutinous basis полиакрилатовая дисперсия
Substrate силиконизированная бумага, 137 г/м2
Application temperature> From-40°S celebrity nude to +80°С
Gluing temperature Not more low +10°С
Width of a roll 1 м
Length of a roll 50 м


Colour porn cartoon palette Oracal 641
Colours hd milf porn for acquaintance and the sample are not!


Number The adult anime colour name Colour RAL Pantone
000 The transparent - -
010 The white 9003 -
020 The golden-yellow 1033 1235 C
019 Bright yellow 1003 123 C
021 The yellow 1023 116 C
022 Light yellow 1021 108 C
025 Serno-yellow 1016 102 C
026 The purple-red - 505 C
312 бургунди - 188 C
030 Dark red 3003 1807 C
031 The red 3000 1797 C
032 Light-red 3020 -
047 Red-orange - -
034 The orange 2004 -
036 Light orange 2008 1585 C
035 Pastel-orange 2003 164 C
404 The purple - -
040 The violet - 2613 C
043 лавандовый 4005 -
042 The lilac - -
041 The crimson 9010 -
045 Light pink - 223 C
562 The deep dark blue sea - -
518 Steel dark blue - -
050 Dark blue - -
065 Cobalt lesbian porn dark blue 5013 -
049 Royal mom sex dark blue 5002 -
086 Is Celebrity Porn bright-dark blue - 2728 C
067 Dark blue - -
057 Sine-blue 5017 -
051 Gentsianovo-blue - -
098 генциановый - -
052 The azure 5015 -
084 The heavenly - 299 C
053 Light blue - -
056 The ice blue - 2915 C
066 Birjuzovo-dark blue - -
054 The turquoise - -
055 Colour celebrity porn of mint - -
060 Dark green 6005 -
613 The viagra online green wood - 3305 C
061 The green 6029 -
068 Green grass - 348 C
062 Light green - -
064 The flavovirent 6018 368 C
063 Lipovo-green - 376 C
070 The black 9005 -
073 Dark grey 7043 -
071 The grey 7005 430 C
076 The asphalt 7045 -
074 Sredne-grey 7042 429 C
072 Light grey 7035 -
080 The brown 8017 -
083 The nut 8023 471 C
081 Light brown 1011 -
082 The beige - -
023 The cream - -
090 The silver-grey 9006 -
091 The golden - -
092 The copper - -